Sunday Supper - September 15 (6-9PM)

With Guest: Alison Renten - Professor, author, and Human Rights Advocate 

Sunday Suppers are casual gatherings where new ideas and stimulating conversation are the main fare. The guest speaker leads an informal discussion based on their work or topic of interest. Reservations are open to current Harvard Club of Georgia members and Harvard Business School Club of Atlanta their guests on a first-come, first-served basis. Attendance is limited to 12 people so that the conversation is more personal and happens around the dinner table.

The dinners are Pot-luck, so please bring a dish that you like that you can share. The September dinner location will be  at the home of Robert Hahn.

If you are interested in hosting a Sunday Dinner, please contact Robert ( ).

COST: Free, but you must register in advance.

RSVP: Open to first 12 HCG and HBS Club of Atlanta members

SPEAKER: Prof. Alison Renteln


PROF ALISON RENTELN is Professor of Political Science, Anthropology, Law, and Public Policy at USC where she teaches Law and Public Policy with an emphasis on comparative and international law.  She has a PhD in Jurisprudence and Social Policy (UC Berkeley) and a JD (USC).  In 2024-2025 she will be taking her Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs fellowship at the World Bank where she will focus on the protection of cultural heritage during armed conflict.  

Her publications focus on international human rights, particularly cultural rights, environmental rights, and socio-legal studies. Her publications include:  International Human Rights:  Universalism Versus RelativismThe Cultural DefenseCultural Law,  and Images and Human Rights co-edited  with Nancy Stein

For decades Renteln has taught judges, lawyers, court interpreters, jury consultants, and police officers in the U.S. and abroad.  She collaborated with the UN on implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, lectured on comparative legal ethics at ABA-sponsored conferences in Asia, and served on a California committee of Human Rights Watch.  Renteln served on civil rights commissions, e.g., California Advisory committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. 

Click here to buy tickets!!!


6:00PM - 9:00PM Sun 15 Sep 2024, Eastern timezone


At the home of Robert Hahn - Location Provided to Registered Guests

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Look Who's Coming:

Sanjeev Malik
Robert Hahn
Stephanie Sherman
Bradley Stoner
William Schnaer
Carol Schnaer
Samuel Wallace-Perdomo
  U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit
Majd Steitieh
Ross Albert
  The Albert Law Firm
... a total of 10 guests.
Note: to opt out from this list please sign in, go to My Account and change your preferences under My RSVPs.