Sunday Supper - January 19 (6-9PM)
With Guests: Rob Quick, MD, MPH - Global access to clean water and the burden of water borne diseases
Sunday Suppers are casual gatherings where new ideas and stimulating conversation are the main fare. The guest speaker leads an informal discussion based on their work or topic of interest. Reservations are open to current Harvard Club of Georgia members and Harvard Business School Club of Atlanta their guests on a first-come, first-served basis.
Attendance is limited to 12 people so that the conversation is more personal and happens around the dinner table.
The dinners are Pot-luck, so please bring a dish that you like that you can share. The January dinner location will be at the home of Robert Hahn.
If you are interested in hosting a Sunday Dinner, please contact Robert ( ).
COST: Free, but you must register in advance.
RSVP: Open to first 12 HCG HBS Club of Atlanta members
SPEAKER: Rob Quick,
January 19th 2024 at the home of Robert Hahn
Rob Quick
Rob Quick, MD, MPH, now retired, was a medical epidemiologist in the Waterborne Diseases Prevention Branch at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 1990 to 2020. While at CDC, he responded to diarrheal disease outbreaks and conducted research on the etiology, control, and prevention of enteric diseases in the developing world. His work on cholera in Latin America and Africa revealed the seriousness and extent of the problem of lack of access to safe water and sanitation at the household level in the developing world and inspired a research focus on preventive interventions. With colleagues at CDC and the Pan American Health Organization, he developed a variety of household water quality and hygiene interventions and conducted field trials in Latin America, Africa, and Asia to establish the evidence base regarding their use and dissemination. He also designed, implemented, and evaluated projects that integrated water treatment technologies, handwashing, sanitation, and other public health interventions (including micronutrient Sprinkles, improved cookstoves, HIV counseling and testing, insecticide-treated bednets, rapid syphilis screening, and nurse training) with maternal and child health services, school programs, and HIV care and support services.
At the home of Robert Hahn - Location Details Provided to Registered Guests
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