Harvard Club of Georgia Book Club - October

Book: The Uninhabitable Earth: Life after Warming by David Wallace-Wells

In ordinary times, we take turns meeting at member homes and share food and drink.  In COVID times, we meet by zoom.

Enough to induce a panic attack ... a brutal portrait of climate change and our future lives on Earth. But we have the tools to avoid it.

You already know it’s bad. You already know the weather has gone weird, the ice caps are melting, the insects are disappearing from the Earth. You already know that your children, and your children’s children, if they are reckless or brave enough to reproduce, face a vista of rising seas, vanishing coastal cities, storms, wildfires, biblical floods. As someone who reads the news and is sensitive to the general mood of the times, you have a general sense of what we’re looking at. But do you truly understand the scale of the tribulations we face? David Wallace-Wells, author of the distressingly titled The Uninhabitable Earth, is here to tell you that you do not. “It is,” as he puts it in the book’s first line, “worse, much worse, than you think.”  –The Guardian


If you have not signed up before and want to join the Book Club, please email the organizer, Robert Hahn at rahahn5@gmail.com and give him your email address.



6:30PM Wed 21 Oct 2020, Eastern timezone


Virtual Zoom Meeting

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